Basic technical data:
- Installed boiler capacity: 4.000 kW
- Average consumption/g: 4.560 MWh
- Energy savings: : 25%
- CO2 emission reduction: 27%, that is about 365 t CO2/year
- Status: completed in 2023
The project includes the long-term supply of thermal energy for heating, sanitary and technological needs of the Smederevo health center with the installation of new gas heat generators. The newly designed solution represents the long-term elimination of fuel oil and dilapidated heating pipes from use and a completely new concept of decentralized heat energy production, and compressed natural gas (CNG) will be used as an energy source until the conditions for connection to the gas distribution system are met. For the sake of more rational energy consumption, all machines and installations were also replaced in the hospital’s laundry room, which further increased the energy efficiency of the system as a whole. It is estimated that this transformation in the system contributed to energy savings of over 25%.
Engaging Negawatt Solutions:
- Development of a PPP project proposal (feasibility study);
- Drafting of the PPP Agreement
- Preparation of tender documentation