Basic technical data:
- Installed boiler capacity:1.650 kW
- Average consumption/g: 3.816 MWh
- Energy savings: 20%
- Reduction of CO2 emissions: 27%, i.e. 332 t/year
- Status: self-initiative proposal submitted in 2022, in the approval process
The project includes the long-term supply of heat energy for heating and sanitary needs of the B block of KBC Dragiša Mišović in Belgrade with the installation of new gas generators. The newly designed solution represents a completely new concept of decentralized thermal energy production, and natural gas will be used as energy source.
Engaging Negawatt Solutions
- Development of a technical solution for a new system for the production of thermal energy;
- Preparation of a preliminary feasibility study;
- Preparation of the self-initiated proposal of the PPP project.