Basic technical data:
- Installed boiler capacity: : 8.200 kW
- Total average consumption: 6.312 MWh
- Energy savings (reduction of distribution losses): 6%
- Energy savings (reduction of distribution losses): : 5%, ie 75 t/year
- Status: realized in 2022; in the 2nd year of thermal energy delivery
In the municipality of Bačka Palanka, the utility activity of production, distribution and supply of thermal energy through the district heating system was carried out by DP Novi Sad – Gas for many years, which included the maintenance of the entire existing district heating system. Due to the change in the regulations governing the business of this company, DP Novi Sad – Gas has ceased to perform this activity. The district heating system consists of the facilities of the boiler houses “Partizan” in Bačka Palanka and “Mali Ritić” in Čelarevo with the associated equipment. In addition to the mentioned boiler houses, the district heating system also consists of networks of underground heat transmission lines in these two mentioned settlements. By assuming the responsibility of managing the district heating system from DP Novi Sad – Gas, the Municipality also assumed responsibility for the correct functioning of the entire system, and the condition of the equipment in the boiler room, and especially the condition of the hot water networks, required urgent capital investment. In addition to the necessary investment of significant material resources, for the successful management of the district heating system, professional staff is also necessary in every situation, and both of these conditions represented a challenge for the Municipality. Taking into account all of the above, the Bačka Palanka Municipal Assembly passed the Decision on the initiation of the public-private partnership procedure. The subject of the Project is the entrustment by the Municipality of the performance of communal activities of production and distribution of thermal energy to a private partner. The obligations of the private partner are to:
- finances the implementation of measures to improve the district heating system;
- after the implementation of the measures, during the duration of the PPP contract, it maintains the newly installed and reconstructed system for the production and distribution of thermal energy in a fully functional state;
- performs communal activities (in the sense of the Law on Communal Activities “Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 95/2018) and energy service (in the sense of the Law on Energy “Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 40/2021) of production and distribution of the required quantity thermal energy for heating existing users of Toplana, and to the border of the Project (calorimeters in direct substations or heat exchangers in indirect substations of end consumers).
Engaging Negawatt Solutions:
- Consulting services, which primarily refer to activities that were necessary to implement, in order to submit a complete, sustainable and correct offer;
- Organizational and technical management of the project during the execution of works;
- Drafting of project-technical documentation;
- Execution of works (reconstruction of a 2.3 km route of underground pre-insulated hot water pipes with an average diameter of DN 100 and 500 m of pipelines in a channel with an average diameter of DN 80, reconstruction of existing equipment (boilers) in both boiler rooms with the replacement of two hot water boilers with economizers of 3.5 MW each and installation of a new gas condensing generator in Čelarevo, reconstruction of 7 heat substations)
- Obtaining all permits, consents and connections necessary for putting the facility into operation;
- Management of the thermal energy production process and system maintenance.