Basic technical data:
- Installed boiler capacity : 9MW
- Total average consumption/g: 11.000 MWh
- Energy savings: 20%
- Reduction of CO2 emissions: 70% for 2,640 t/year
- Status: realized in 2022
The project includes the long-term supply of thermal energy to PUC “Gornji Milanovac” from the newly built boiler house where wood biomass and natural gas will be used as energy sources. The selected technical solution significantly increases the functionality of this district heating system by connecting two separate thermal energy distribution systems into a single system. From the point of view of decarbonization, this project has a huge impact on the environment of the citizens of Gornji Milanovac, given that the use of fuel oil, which emits 101 t CO2/GJ, has been switched to the use of biomass, which is a carbon-neutral fuel in combination with natural gas, the combustion of which emits 27 % less carbon dioxide than from fuel oil. Finally, by discontinuing the use of worn-out fuel oil boilers and installing the latest technologies in boiler construction, a significant contribution was also made to energy efficiency, estimated at around 20%.
Engaging Negawatt Solutions
- Preparation of a preliminary feasibility study;
- Preparation of the self-initiated proposal of the PPP project.