I am Vladimir Nikolić, co-founder and technical director at Negawatt since its inception. I am a licensed engineer for the design and execution of thermotechnics, thermoenergetics, process, and gas engineering, as well as for the execution and supervision of these projects. I have over 15 years of experience in mechanical engineering, including seven years in energy efficiency project management. In each new project, I am responsible for the development of conceptual solutions, where I am always guided by the idea of designing a long-term sustainable project that satisfies the financial interests of the capital owners, delivers an optimal technical result, and is fully harmonized with the requirements of environmental protection and adapted to the needs of the local community.
I have participated in the development of nearly 20 ESCO projects in the public and industrial sectors. As a designer or responsible supervisory authority, I have worked on over 50 projects in the commercial, industrial, public, and residential sectors.